Alex Rutherford

The name Alex Rutherford is a pseudonym for the husband-wife writer duo, Diana Preston and Michael Preston. Both of them met at Oxford University, where Diana studied History and Michael studied English. They are well-known for their serious non-fiction works, and the Empire of the Moghul series was their first venture into historical fiction.

Diana and Michael are passionate travelers who have visited over 140 countries worldwide. They have a special love for India, having spent at least a year of their lives there. Their research for their non-fiction book, 'A Teardrop on the Cheek of Time,' led them to explore the early history of the Moghul dynasty. This exploration inspired their fiction quintet, 'Empire of the Moghul,' which required them to read all the chronicles of the time and retrace the steps of the Moghuls from Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and India.

The couple's research for their books has led them to some dangerous situations. While working on their book about Captain Scott and the race for the South Pole, 'A First Rate Tragedy,' they sailed into Antarctica's Ross Sea in a Russian research vessel during one of the worst storms in Antarctic history. The superstructure iced up, and the life rafts washed overboard, putting them in danger of capsizing. While researching their book on the buccaneer-naturalist William Dampier, 'A Pirate of Exquisite Mind,' they crossed the Darien Isthmus in Panama with local Indian guides, dodging FARC guerrillas, Colombian paramilitaries, and the deadly fer de lance snake. These experiences have added depth and authenticity to their writing.
Empire of the Moghul Books
# Title Year
1 Raiders from the North 2009
2 Brothers at War/A Kingdom Divided 2010
3 Ruler of the World 2011
4 The Tainted Throne 2012
5 The Serpent's Tooth 2013
6 Traitors in the Shadows 2015