Marshall Ryan Maresca

Marshall Ryan Maresca is an American author, well-known for his fantasy and science fiction novels. He is most famous for his multiple series set in the same fantastical city of Maradaine. Maresca was born and raised in upstate New York, where he developed his passion for storytelling. He pursued his interests in film and production at Pennsylvania State University. Currently, he resides in Austin, Texas, where he continues to write and work as an independent Spanish teacher.

Maresca's writing career took off with his debut novel, The Thorn of Dentohill, which earned him a nomination for the Compton Crook Award. His work is recognized for its unique and intricate world-building, which is exemplified in the Maradaine Saga. This saga includes four parallel series: The Thorn of Dentonhill, A Murder of Mages, The Holver Alley Crew, and The Way of the Shield. These series intertwine and build upon each other, taking place in the bustling streets and crime-ridden districts of Maradaine. In addition to his work on the Maradaine Saga, Maresca has contributed to the Norton Anthology of Hint Fiction and Rick Klaw's anthology Rayguns Over Texas.

In addition to his career as a novelist, Maresca has worn many hats, including those of a stage actor, amateur chef, and theatrical director. These diverse experiences have helped shape his understanding of different perspectives and motivations, which he incorporates into his writing. Maresca has also written several plays that have been produced in the Austin area, such as Entropy and Slow Night at McLaughlin's.

Maresca's dedication to the craft of writing is further showcased through his involvement in the podcast Worldbuilding for Masochists. Alongside co-hosts Dr. Scott Roche and Laura Nicole, Maresca shares his expertise and passion for storytelling with a wider audience. Through his writing and other creative endeavors, Maresca continues to captivate readers and listeners with his imaginative worlds and engaging characters.
The Maradaine Constabulary Books
# Title Year
1 A Murder of Mages 2015
2 An Import of Intrigue 2016
3 A Parliament of Bodies 2019
Thorn of Dentonhill Books
# Title Year
1 The Thorn of Dentonhill 2015
2 The Alchemy of Chaos 2016
3 The Imposters of Aventil 2017
The Streets of Maradaine Books
# Title Year
1 The Holver Alley Crew 2017
2 Lady Henterman’s Wardrobe 2018
3 The Fenmere Job 2020
4 The Quarrygate Gambit 2022
Maradaine Elite Books
# Title Year
1 The Way of the Shield 2018
2 Shield of the People 2019
3 People of the City 2020
Maradaine Saga Story Books
# Title Year
1 The Mystical Murders of Yin Mara 2022
2 Hultichia 2023
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Velocity of Revolution 2021
2 An Unintended Voyage 2021
3 The Assassins of Consequence 2022
Marshall Ryan Maresca Anthologies
# Title Year
1 The Protectors 2012