Alaric Bond, born in 1957, is a seasoned author who has spent many years writing for various platforms including periodicals, children's stories, the stage, television, and broadcast comedy (Bond, n.d.). However, his current focus is on historical nautical fiction, a genre in which he has made significant contributions.
With sixteen published novels to his name, Bond has established himself as a prominent figure in the world of historical nautical fiction. Thirteen of these novels belong to his acclaimed 'Fighting Sail' series, which is set in 'Nelson's Navy' during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars (Bond, n.d.). This series is unique in its approach as it does not have a central hero. Instead, it features characters from all ranks and stations, providing an exciting and realistic impression of life aboard a warship of the period.
In addition to the 'Fighting Sail' series, Bond has also ventured into new territory with his novel 'Hellfire Corner', which marks the beginning of an intended new series. Despite this change in focus, he still plans to release future instalments in the 'Fighting Sail' series (Bond, n.d.). Furthermore, Bond has also introduced a new series titled 'Coastal Forces', with the second instalment 'Glory Boys' focusing on the small ship navy of high-speed launches used during WW2. When he is not researching nautical history or writing, Bond enjoys cycling, sailing, and carpentry. He is also a music enthusiast who plays a variety of musical instruments and collects 78 rpm records.