Alma Alexander, also known as the "Duchess of Fantasy," is an internationally published author, specializing in science fiction and fantasy (SFF) for both adult and young adult audiences. She has written numerous novels, including popular series such as "Worldweavers" and "The Were Chronicles," as well as historical fantasy books like "Secrets of Jin-shei," "Embers of Heaven," and "Empress." Her work has been translated into fourteen languages, including Hebrew, Turkish, and Catalan.
Born in a country that no longer exists, Alexander has lived in several countries across four continents. She has a MSc in Molecular Biology and has used her scientific background to shed light on the world of shapeshifters in "The Were Chronicles." Her writing tips and glimpses of a writer's life, both mundane and magical, can be found on her blog.
In addition to her popular series, Alexander has written standalone novels such as "Midnight at Spanish Gardens" and "The Second Star," as well as highly-rated short story collections like the "Val Hall" series and "Fractured Fairy Tales." Her latest novels include "Val Hall," "Embers of Heaven," "Empress," and "The Second Star." She is currently working on a new series of alternate history novels with roots in Eastern Europe. Alexander lives in Bellingham, WA with her husband, two cats, and assorted visiting wildlife.