Amanda Bestor-Siegal

Amanda Bestor-Siegal is a bestselling author, best known for her debut novel "The Caretakers," which she first published in 2022. The book quickly became one of the most popular literary fiction reads of the year, helping to launch Bestor-Siegal's career as an author.

Bestor-Siegal received her M.F.A. from the Michener Center for Writers, University of Texas, where she specialized in fiction and screenwriting. Before moving to Austin, Texas, she lived in France for four years, an experience that likely influenced her writing and provided her with a unique perspective.

Bestor-Siegal's time in France and her work at a kitten nursery in Austin, Texas, have given her a wealth of material to draw upon in her writing. Her ability to weave together complex narratives and create memorable characters has earned her a devoted following among readers. With her debut novel, Bestor-Siegal has established herself as a talented and versatile writer, and readers can look forward to seeing what she produces next.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Caretakers 2022