Anne Heltzel is a renowned American author, particularly recognized for her work in the young adult and fiction genres. She gained significant attention for her 2022 novel, "Just Like Mother," which showcases her storytelling prowess and unique narrative voice. Beyond her writing, Heltzel has made a name for herself in the publishing industry as a children's book editor. Her professional experience has taken her to various parts of the world, including India and Paris, which have influenced the settings and cultural nuances in her books, such as "Charlie, Presumed Dead."
Heltzel's passion for writing and editing is complemented by her eclectic interests. She is known to be an avid dog lover, with a hyperactive cattle dog as part of her household. Additionally, Heltzel finds joy in food, wallpaper designs, and, of course, books. She currently resides in Hudson Valley with her husband, who is also a horror writer, and their furry companion. Her love for the region is evident in her work, as Hudson Valley often serves as a backdrop for her captivating stories.
In addition to her work under her real name, Heltzel has also published books under the pseudonym Anna Collomore, including "The Ruining." This demonstrates her versatility and range as an author, as she skillfully navigates different genres and writing styles. As a resident of Hudson Valley, Heltzel continues to draw inspiration from her surroundings and engage with her local community. Her ability to balance her career as an editor and author, coupled with her diverse interests, makes her a compelling figure in contemporary American literature.