Bella Mackie

Bella Mackie is a renowned author and journalist, who has made a significant impact in the literary world with her compelling works. She began her career as a journalist, working for prestigious publications such as The Guardian and Vice News. Mackie's writing expertise is not confined to journalism alone, as she is also a twice-monthly Vogue columnist, where she shares her insights and perspectives on various topics.

Apart from her journalism and column-writing career, Mackie has also achieved success as an author. Her memoir, "Jog On," which delves into mental health and running, was a number two bestseller, only second to Michelle Obama's book. The memoir's success is a testament to Mackie's ability to connect with readers and address relevant social issues. Following the success of "Jog On," Mackie released an accompanying journal to encourage others to explore the benefits of exercise for mental health.

In addition to her non-fiction works, Mackie has also ventured into fiction, with her book "How to Kill Your Family" securing the number two bestseller spot. The book's success demonstrates Mackie's versatility as a writer and her ability to captivate readers with her storytelling. Currently, Mackie is working on a new novel, which she hopes to release in 2023. Mackie resides in London, where she spends her time caring for her large, clumsy dog. Her writing is a reflection of her experiences, perspectives, and insights, making her works relatable and engaging to a wide audience.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 How to Kill Your Family 2021
Non-Fiction Books
# Title Year
1 Jog On 2018
2 Jog on Journal 2019