Bobbi Holmes is an accomplished American author, best known for her Haunting Danielle series of books. This popular series began in 2014 with the debut novel, The Ghost of Marlow House, and has grown significantly in popularity since its inception. Holmes excels at writing G-rated fiction and non-fiction under her real name, but she also explores more mature themes under the pseudonym of Anna J. McIntyre.
Holmes has made a significant impact on the mystery genre, captivating readers with her engaging storytelling and intriguing characters. While she is perhaps best known for her Haunting Danielle series, her work as Anna J. McIntyre has also garnered considerable attention. This pseudonym allows her to delve into the world of adult fiction, showcasing her versatility as a writer and her ability to adapt to different styles and genres.
Bobbi Holmes is not only a talented author but also a loving wife and devoted pet owner. She shares her life with her husband of over 47 years and their two miniature and Australian Shepherds. When she's not crafting captivating stories, Holmes enjoys spending quality time with her family and exploring the beauty of her new home in Oregon. Her ability to balance her personal life and her writing career is a testament to her dedication and passion for both.