Boris Starling is an accomplished journalist, novelist, and screenwriter, renowned for his crime fiction works. His writing career took off at a young age, where his English teacher recognized his talent, although a short story he submitted was found to be copied from Tintin's 'Prisoners Of The Sun' (Starling, n.d.). Despite this inauspicious start, Starling has since produced eight novels, all of which are original works. Five of these books have been published under his own name, including 'Messiah', 'Storm', 'Vodka', 'Visibility', and 'The Stay-Behind Cave'. The other three novels, 'Soul Murder', 'City Of Sins', and 'White Death', were published under the pseudonym Daniel Blake (Starling, n.d.).
Starling's novels have been successful, with some becoming bestsellers in the Sunday Times and New York Times. His books are known for their crime-related themes, with each featuring at least one character meeting a gruesome end. While some characters may deserve their fate, others do not, adding an element of unpredictability to his stories. In addition to his novels, Starling has also created the 'Messiah' franchise, which aired on BBC1 for seven years. He has also written screenplays for productions in the UK and US, showcasing his versatility as a writer (Starling, n.d.).
Beyond his writing career, Starling is an active sportsman, although he acknowledges that his age has begun to affect his performance. He has inherited his grandfather's male pattern baldness but not his height. Starling lives in Dorset, England, with his wife, children, greyhounds, and chickens, who must stay vigilant to avoid marauding foxes.