Chelsea Pitcher

Chelsea Pitcher is a successful American author, well-known for her work in the young adult, literature, and fiction genres. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Pitcher discovered her passion for storytelling at a young age. She has always been drawn to the darker realms of literature, and her writing aims to shed light on these intriguing corners of the human experience.

Pitcher's literary career took off in 2013 when she published her debut standalone novel, "The S-word." This thought-provoking book showcases her unique ability to delve into complex issues and captivate readers with her vivid imagination. In 2014, she continued to make her mark on the literary world with the release of "The Last Changeling," the first book in The Fae Revolutions series, now known as The Last Changeling series. This enchanting story blends elements of fantasy and adventure, further solidifying Pitcher's reputation as a versatile and engaging author.

In addition to her work in young adult literature, Pitcher is also known for her thrilling YA thriller, "This Lie Will Kill You," published in December 2018 by S&S/McElderry. With her captivating storytelling and intricate plotlines, Pitcher has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with in the realms of mystery and suspense. Alongside her love for writing, Pitcher enjoys expressing herself through karaoke and holds a deep appreciation for the beauty of the ocean. She holds a BA in English Literature, which has no doubt contributed to her mastery of the written word and her ability to weave compelling narratives that resonate with readers of all ages.
The Last Changeling Books
# Title Year
1 The Last Changeling 2014
2 The Last Faerie Queen 2015
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The S-Word 2013
2 This Lie Will Kill You 2018
3 Lies Like Poison 2020