D.L. Keur

D.L. Keur is a prolific author who has been publishing since the last decades of the twentieth century. She has chosen to self-publish since 2013, enjoying the control and freedom that it gives her over her work. As an independent author, she writes various books, including short stories, novels, and non-fiction. She usually writes her fiction under several pen names, such as E.J. Ruek, C.J. "Country" James, and Aeros. However, with the release of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries, she decided to write as herself, as many of the dogs included in these crime and search-and-rescue dog novels have been personal to her life.

In addition to being an author, D.L. Keur is also an artist, musician, web designer, and more. She is often referred to as a Renaissance woman by her friends. Her love for writing has led her to explore various genres, including paranormal, mainstream, horror, Western family saga/romance, and science fiction. Since the turn of the millennium, she has independently published five books, two as E.J. Ruek, two as C.J. "Country" James, and a two-volume science fiction epic as Aeros.

D.L. Keur is a conservatory-trained flutist who has played professionally with notable orchestras in the US and Europe. She has performed as a soloist on famous stages and has taken the stage again to play with her husband. Her passion for playing the flute led her to write a practical guide for flute players, "Dawn's Flute Notes, Practical Advice for Flute Players from Practice Room to Stage." The guide is a realistic look at the world of playing flute and offers advice, tips, tricks, and technical help. It is available in both print and eBook formats at Amazon. D.L. Keur can be found at DLKeur.com and on Facebook as Dawn Keur.
Jessica Anderson Books
# Title Year
1 Death Scent 2021
2 Stray Trouble 2021
3 Grim Track 2022
4 Dire Traces 2022
5 Dead Falls 2023
6 Troubled Pursuit 2023
7 Game Trail 2023
8 Cold Scent 2023