Elena Collins is a bestselling author who writes under the pseudonym of Judy Leigh. She has been writing professionally for over half a dozen years and has built a reputation for creating uplifting stories about the lives of older women and the possibility of second chances, change, and happiness. Collins also writes the Morwenna Mutton/ Seal Bay cozy crime series, which features a sixty-something sleuth who enjoys getting into mischief and solving crime.\n \nCollins' love for writing is deeply rooted in her family history. The name Elena Collins is a tribute to her grandmother, who was a teller of stories and fortunes and had healing hands. Collins' new novels, written under the name of Elena Collins, bring together three things she loves: delving into rich tales from history, exploring stunning locations, and evoking the possibility of the supernatural. These dual timeline stories offer a fascinating look into people's lives then and now and include some spine-tingling moments.\n \nCollins has a Master's degree in Professional Writing and is an avid reader, music, and theatre enthusiast. When she's not at her desk, she can be found researching her next novel in some of the country's most beautiful locations and beyond, accompanied by her two black cats. Collins is passionate about her writing and looks forward to meeting her readers between the pages of her books.