Elisabeth Storrs

Elisabeth Storrs is an Australian author with a deep passion for the history, legends, and myths of the ancient world. She graduated from the University of Sydney with a degree in Arts Law, having studied Classics. Storrs' curiosity in the ancient world was piqued when she discovered the story of the struggle between Etruscan Veii and Republican Rome. This discovery inspired her to write the "A Tale of Ancient Rome" series. The series, which includes "The Wedding Shroud," "The Golden Dice," and "Call to Juno," has been critically acclaimed and endorsed by renowned authors such as Ursula Le Guin, Kate Quinn, and Ben Kane.

Storrs has had a varied career, having worked as a solicitor, corporate lawyer, and corporate governance consultant. In addition to her professional career, she has also been an active member of the literary community. She served as a director for Writing NSW and is a founder of the Australasia Historical Novel Society, an organization that runs the richest genre prize in the region. She is also a member of the History Girls. In 2020, Storrs headed the team that introduced the $100,000 ARA Historical Novel Prize to the ANZ literary calendar.

Storrs is a hybrid author who was traditionally published in Australia and then gained popularity with historical fiction readers when she self-published her "Tales of Ancient Rome" series. Her success led to her signing an international publishing contract with Lake Union. She currently resides in Sydney with her husband and two sons. In addition to her work on the "A Tale of Ancient Rome" series, Storrs is currently working on a new novel set in WW2 Germany about stolen art, crazy Nazi archaeology, and a race to save the Trojan Gold during the fall of Berlin, titled "Treasured." The Italian edition of "The Wedding Shroud," entitled "IL VELO NUZIALE," was released in 2023 by Altre Voci Edizioni, with the remaining two books in the trilogy to be released in 2024 and 2025.
Tales Of Ancient Rome Books
# Title Year
1 The Wedding Shroud 2010
2 The Golden Dice 2013
3 Call to Juno 2016
Short Tales Of Ancient Rome Books
# Title Year
1 Dying for Rome 2014