Elle Strauss, also known as Lee Strauss, is a bestselling American author, renowned for her work in young adult, science fiction, and fantasy novels. She has gained a significant following and critical acclaim for her unique and engaging stories.
Strauss's writing career includes two popular book series, Clockwise and Love Tink, which are beloved by critics and readers alike. These series are known for their fun and otherworldly elements, such as fairies, time travel, and Merfolk. Moreover, Strauss has a knack for incorporating romance into her stories, making them even more appealing to a wide audience.
In addition to her work in young adult fiction, Strauss is also the author of the acclaimed Ginger Gold Mystery series, as well as other cozy mystery, sci-fi, and sweet romance novels. She has built a reputation for herself as a versatile and prolific writer, able to tackle a variety of genres with ease and skill. Her official website, leestraussbooks.com, provides more information about her diverse body of work.