Ellison Cooper

Ellison Cooper is a highly accomplished American author, with a diverse background in various fields such as archaeology, cultural neuroscience, ancient religion, colonialism, and human rights. She was born near Washington D.C. and grew up surrounded by influential figures including supreme court justices and senators. This upbringing undoubtedly contributed to her keen interest in justice and societal issues, which is reflected in her writing.

Cooper earned her Ph.D. in anthropology from UCLA, and has conducted extensive fieldwork in various parts of the world including Central America, West Africa, Micronesia, and Western Europe. Her academic background and travel experiences have provided her with a wealth of knowledge and insight, which she skillfully weaves into her thrilling novels.

In addition to her academic accomplishments, Cooper has also worked as a murder investigator in Washington D.C., and is a certified K9 Search and Rescue Federal Disaster Worker. These professional experiences have given her a unique perspective and expertise in the field of criminal investigations, further enhancing the authenticity and suspense of her writing.

Cooper is best known for her Agent Sayer Altair series, which began with the first book, Caged. The series follows the protagonist, Sayer Altair, an FBI neuroscientist and cultural anthropologist, as she investigates complex and gruesome crimes. Cooper's own background in anthropology and criminal investigations provides a rich foundation for the series, making it a must-read for fans of thrillers and crime fiction. She currently resides in the Bay Area with her husband and son.
Agent Sayer Altair Books
# Title Year
1 Caged 2018
2 Buried 2019
3 Cut to the Bone 2020