Emma Donoghue is a renowned Irish author, known for her literary fiction novels and stories. She was born in Dublin and spent her childhood attending Catholic convent schools, with the exception of a year she spent in New York at the age of ten. Donoghue's love for literature led her to earn a first-class honors B.A. in English and French from University College Dublin in 1990. She later went on to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1997. Donoghue has been a full-time writer since the age of 23 and has settled in London, Ontario, Canada with her partner and children.
Emma Donoghue has gained significant recognition in the literary world for her writing, and is a multiple award-winning Irish-Canadian novelist, playwright, screenwriter, and literary historian. She is best known for her novel "Room," which became an international bestseller with over 2 million copies sold to date. Donoghue's writing encompasses a range of genres, including contemporary and historical fiction, non-fiction, theatre, and middle-grade novels. She has published numerous works, including "Frog Music," "Slammerkin," "The Sealed Letter," "Landing," "Life Mask," "Hood," and "Stirfry," as well as story collections such as "Astray," "The Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits," "Kissing the Witch," and "Touchy Subjects." Donoghue currently resides in London, Ontario, with her family.