Felix Francis is a highly accomplished English author, best known for his crime fiction novels which often feature the theme of horse racing. He is the youngest son of the renowned author Dick Francis, who was also a former steeplechase jockey. Felix was born in 1953, and he pursued a degree in Physics and Electronics from London University. After his graduation, he went on to teach Advanced Level Physics and chaired the science department at Bloxham School in Oxfordshire.
In addition to his career in teaching, Felix also worked as a vice chairman and director of the World Challenge Expeditions Ltd from 1993 to 2005. He was also a former governor of Winchester House and Malvern College. With over seventeen years of teaching experience, Felix decided to leave the profession to focus on managing his father's activities. However, his involvement in his father's work went far beyond just managing it.
For over forty years, Felix assisted his father with research and eventually became his co-author. In 2007, he took on the job full-time, and together they co-authored several New York Times bestsellers, including Dead Heat, Silks, Even Money, and Crossfire. Felix's experience as an international marksman also aided his research for Shattered, Under Orders, and Twice Shy. He currently resides in Oxfordshire, England, and continues to write compelling crime fiction novels that have captivated readers worldwide.