Greer Hendricks

Greer Hendricks is a highly accomplished American author, best known for her fiction works. She has achieved significant success in her writing career, becoming a #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of multiple novels. These include "The Wife Between Us," "An Anonymous Girl," "You Are Not Alone," and "The Golden Couple."

Before Hendricks became a novelist, she obtained her master's degree in journalism at Columbia University. She then spent twenty years working in the publishing industry, most of which was at Simon & Schuster. During her time there, she held the position of vice president and senior editor, gaining valuable experience and insights that would later benefit her own writing. Her writing skills were further honed by her publications in reputable outlets such as The New York Times, Allure, and Publishers Weekly.

In addition to her collaborative works, Hendricks is also preparing to release her debut solo novel. This new project, titled "A Show of Faith," showcases her versatility and growth as a writer, offering readers another engaging story from this talented author. Hendricks's dedication to her craft and her ability to create captivating narratives have earned her a prominent place in the literary world.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Wife Between Us 2018
2 An Anonymous Girl 2019
3 You Are Not Alone 2020
4 The Golden Couple 2022
Short Stories/Novellas
# Title Year
1 A Show of Faith 2023
Greer Hendricks Audiobooks
# Title Year
1 The Getaway 2020