James Webb

James Henry "Jim" Webb, Jr. is an American politician and author, who has had a distinguished career in both public service and writing. He was born on February 9, 1946, in St. Joseph, Missouri, and is a decorated Marine Corps officer, having served in Vietnam where he was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal, two Bronze Star Medals with the combat "V" and two Purple Hearts.

Webb's career in public service has been impressive, including serving as a United States Senator from Virginia, Secretary of the Navy, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Counsel for the United States House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and a member of the Democratic Party. He has also been a Fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics. Webb's contributions to veterans' affairs have been significant, including leading the fight to include an African-American soldier in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and conceiving and implementing the bipartisan approach that resulted in the passage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Outside of government, Webb is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, filmmaker, and author of ten books. His writing has received critical acclaim, including being named as a "Brave Thinker" by The Atlantic Magazine for possessing "two things vanishingly rare in Congress: a conscience and a spine." Webb has taught literature at the United States Naval Academy and has written for major American newspapers and magazines, particularly in the area of defense and national security issues. He has also had a successful career in Hollywood as a screenwriter and producer.

Webb's personal life is equally impressive, having been married to Hong Le Webb, who was born in Vietnam and is a graduate of Cornell Law School. He is a father of six children and lives in Northern Virginia. In 2020, Webb was named the first distinguished fellow of University of Notre Dame’s International Security Center. Webb's life and career continue to inspire and make a significant impact on American politics, veterans' affairs, and literature.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Fields of Fire 1978
2 A Sense of Honor 1981
3 A Country Such as This 1983
4 Something to Die For 1991
5 The Emperor's General 1999
6 Lost Soldiers 2001
Non-Fiction Books
# Title Year
1 Micronesia and U.S. Pacific Strategy: A Blueprint for the 1980s 1974
2 Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America 2004
3 A Time to Fight: Reclaiming a Fair and Just America 2008
4 I Heard My Country Calling: A Memoir 2014
James Webb Anthologies
# Title Year
1 The Astronomy Book 2012