Janet Bolin

Janet Bolin is a successful Canadian author, particularly known for her cozy mystery novels. Her work is popular for its small-town setting and engaging themes of machine embroidery, quilting, and murder. Bolin has made a significant impact on the cozy mystery genre since she began writing in 2011.

In 2011, Janet Bolin introduced her first book in the Threadville Mystery series, quickly gaining recognition as a new voice in the cozy mystery genre. The series is set in a small town, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the classic chaos and intrigue that comes with such a setting. Bolin's unique addition of machine embroidery, quilting, and murder has captivated audiences and solidified her reputation as a popular writer in the field.
Threadville Mystery Books
# Title Year
1 Dire Threads 2011
2 Threaded for Trouble 2012
3 Thread and Buried 2013
4 Night of the Living Thread 2014
5 Seven Threadly Sins 2015
Deputy Donut Mysteries Books (as Ginger Bolton)
# Title Year
1 Survival of the Fritters 2018
2 Goodbye Cruller World 2018
3 Jealousy Filled Donuts 2019
4 Boston Scream Murder 2020
5 Beyond a Reasonable Donut 2021
6 Deck the Donuts 2021
7 Cinnamon Twisted 2023
8 Double Grudge Donuts 2024