Jason Rekulak

Jason Rekulak is a crime mystery and thriller author, best known for his novel "The Impossible Fortress". Rekulak is the author of two novels: "Hidden Pictures," released in May 2022, and "The Impossible Fortress," which was a finalist for an Edgar Award.

For many years, Rekulak was the Publisher of Quirk Books, an independent press based in Philadelphia. During his time at Quirk Books, Rekulak ghost-wrote many unusual books, the existence of which may or may not be made public depending on the metadata. Today, Rekulak is an active member of Writer's Guild East and Mystery Writers of America.

Rekulak currently resides in West Philly with his wife and children, along with an abundance of pets. His writing combines elements of mystery, crime, and thriller, and his work has been well-received by readers and critics alike. With his unique storytelling style and engaging characters, Rekulak has established himself as a talented and compelling author in the genre.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Impossible Fortress 2017
2 Hidden Pictures 2022