Judith Arnopp

Judith Arnopp is a highly regarded author, known for her historical fiction, history, and biography novels. She is best known for her "Beaufort Chronicles" series and has a particular interest in writing about the perspectives of historical women. Arnopp has a BA in English/Creative writing and an MA in Medieval Studies, which has greatly contributed to her knowledge and understanding of the historical periods she writes about. She is currently working on a novel written from the male perspective, that of Henry VIII himself.

Arnopp's novels are set during the War of the Roses and the Tudor era, with a focus on women such as Margaret Beaufort, Elizabeth of York, Anne Boleyn, and Mary Tudor. Her writing career began with a focus on the Anglo Saxon period, but she has since found great success in her switch to the Tudor era. She now has twelve books in her catalogue, with a thirteenth due for publication in 2021. All of her books are available on Kindle and in paperback, and some are also available on Audible.

In addition to her fiction writing, Arnopp also writes non-fiction and has had her work featured in several anthologies and magazines. She is a founder member of a re-enactment group called The Fyne Companye of Cambria and enjoys making historical garments both for the group and others. She is not professionally trained, but has learned through trial and error how to make authentic looking clothing. Arnopp is also active on social media, with a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Her non-fiction book, "How to Dress Like a Tudor," is set to be published by Pen and Sword in 2023.
Beaufort Chronicles Books
# Title Year
1 The Beaufort Bride 2016
2 The Beaufort Woman 2017
3 The King's Mother 2019
The Henrician Chronicle Books
# Title Year
1 A Matter of Conscience 2021
2 A Matter of Faith 2023
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Peaceweaver 2009
2 The Forest Dwellers 2011
3 The Song of Heledd 2012
4 The Winchester Goose 2012
5 The Kiss of the Concubine 2013
6 Intractable Heart 2014
7 A Song of Sixpence 2015
8 Sisters of Arden 2019
9 The Heretic Wind 2020
# Title Year
1 Waving At Trains 2010
Judith Arnopp Anthologies
# Title Year
1 Castles, Customs, and Kings 2013
2 Not To Be Read Until I Am Dead: And Other Stuff 2014
3 Castles, Customs, and Kings Volume 2 2015
4 Betrayal 2020
5 Hauntings 2021