Judy Leigh is a successful British author, best known for her uplifting and entertaining stories about older characters who embark on adventures and find mischief. She has earned the title of a USA Today bestselling author, highlighting her popularity and success in the literary world. Before turning to writing, Judy had a varied career that included teaching theatre in different parts of the UK and China.
Judy Leigh has lived in various parts of the UK, from Liverpool to Cornwall, but now resides in Somerset. She has had a rich and diverse experience in the arts, having taught theatre, written lyrics for a punk band, and set up Shakespeare Festivals. Her love for learning and writing led her to complete an MA in Professional Writing. When she is not writing, Judy can be found on the beach, walking, practicing yoga, or traveling in her camper. She is also a Reiki healer, a vegan, and an animal lover, with three black cats as her companions.
In addition to her love for writing about older characters, Judy also writes under the name of Elena Collins, which was her grandmother's name. This pseudonym is used for her historical fantasy novels, which are dual-timeline stories with a slightly spooky element. Judy's interest in history, injustice, and women's lives is reflected in these novels. She also writes cozy crime novels, including the Morwenna Mutton 'Seal Bay' series, set in a beautiful coastal town in Cornwall. Morwenna is a sixty-something sleuth who works in a library and the family tearooms, cycles everywhere, swims in the sea whatever the weather, and gets into lots of mischief solving local crimes.
Judy's writing is a reflection of her interests, values, and beliefs. She believes that older people are full of surprises, that we can all change, develop, move away from difficulties we have experienced, grow and be happy. We deserve it. Her novels celebrate communities, fun and friendship, love and relationships, the power of laughter, and the belief that everyone should have another chance at happiness. Judy's warm and engaging personality shines through in her writing, making her books a joy to read.