Judy Nunn is a renowned Australian author, born on April 13, 1945, in Perth, Western Australia. Before establishing herself as a successful author, Nunn had a thriving career in acting and screenwriting. She began her professional acting journey on stage and later transitioned to television, where she gained significant recognition. Nunn's acting career included notable roles in shows such as "The Box," "Prisoner," "Sons & Daughters," and "Home & Away." Her portrayal of Ailsa Stewart in "Home & Away" remains one of her most popular roles, spanning from 1988 to 2000. In 2002, she returned to the show as a ghost for a brief appearance. Nunn is married to her husband, Bruce Venables, who is also a writer, actor, and ex-police officer.
In the 1980s, Nunn decided to explore her writing talents and ventured into prose. Her early works included two adventure novels for children, "Eye in the Storm" and "Eye in the City," which gained popularity in Australia and Europe. Nunn then turned her attention to adult fiction, producing bestsellers such as "The Glitter Game," "Centre Stage," and "Araluen," set in the worlds of television, theatre, and film. These novels quickly became bestsellers, solidifying Nunn's status as a leading popular novelist in Australia. Her subsequent novels, including "Kal," "Beneath the Southern Cross," "Territory," "Pacific," "Heritage," and "Floodtide," have further cemented her reputation and success in the literary world.