K. Arsenault Rivera

K. Arsenault Rivera is a Puerto Rican-American author, best known for her fantasy novels in the Bright Ascendency series. She was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and later moved to New York City with her family during her childhood. Rivera grew up in New York and developed a strong connection to the city that she still calls home today.

In addition to her work as an author, Rivera manages a nutritional supplement store in Brooklyn. This experience, along with her participation in the RPG (role-playing game) community, has provided her with a unique perspective and wealth of knowledge that she brings to her writing. It was her love of tabletop gaming that inspired her to begin writing fantasy novels, and this influence is evident in her debut novel, The Tigers Daughter.

Rivera is an out and proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and lives in Brooklyn with her partner. She is a lifelong fan of all things nerdy and brings her passion for storytelling and world-building to her work as a fantasy author. With her strong connection to both Puerto Rico and New York City, Rivera's writing is informed by her diverse cultural background and experiences.
Their Bright Ascendency Books
# Title Year
1 The Tiger's Daughter 2017
2 The Phoenix Empress 2018
3 The Warrior Moon 2019
K. Arsenault Rivera Anthologies
# Title Year
1 Cool. Awkward. Black. 2023