Karelia Stetz-Waters

Karelia Stetz-Waters is a successful author who has made a name for herself by writing happily ever afters for women who love women. Her stories span various genres, including thriller and romance, and always feature strong female characters who achieve epic wins. She currently lives in Oregon with her wife of over twenty years.

Stetz-Waters' own experiences have greatly influenced her writing. She recalls a time when happy endings in romantic love seemed like an impossible dream for women like her. Growing up, she believed that the best she could hope for was to die nobly for the woman she loved, who would never love her back. However, everything changed when she met her true love across a crowded room, and they have been together ever since. These experiences have inspired Stetz-Waters to make it her life's mission to craft happy endings about women finding true love with other women.

In addition to her work as an author, Stetz-Waters is also a dedicated educator. She teaches writing at a community college in rural Oregon, where she is inspired every day by her students' bravery, creativity, and perseverance. She also teaches for the Golden Crown Literary Society Writing Academy, a creative writing program for queer women. Stetz-Waters takes great pride in mentoring writers who have become her peers and colleagues. When she's not writing or teaching, she enjoys gardening, drawing, and spending time with her pug-mix, Willa Cather.

Stetz-Waters has a BA in Comparative Literature from Smith College and an MA in English from the University of Oregon. She is represented by Jane Dystel of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret. She can be reached through her website, www.kareliastetzwaters.com.
Ivers & Wilson Books
# Title Year
1 Dysphoria 2013
2 The Admirer 2013
3 The Purveyor 2014
Out in Portland Books
# Title Year
1 Something True 2015
2 For Good 2016
3 Worth the Wait 2018
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Forgive Me If I've Told You This Before 2014
2 Satisfaction Guaranteed 2021
3 Behind the Scenes 2023
4 Second Night Stand 2024