Kate Beaton

Kate Beaton is a highly acclaimed and popular Canadian cartoonist and comics artist. She was born in Nova Scotia and brought up in the small town of Mabou, Cape Breton isle, where she lived with her three sisters. Beaton has Scottish roots, which she takes pride in and often reflects in her work.

Beaton's educational background is in history, and she pursued her degree in New Brunswick. After completing her studies, she moved to Alberta to pay off her student loans. She then worked in a museum in British Columbia before moving to Ontario to focus on her art. Eventually, she settled in Toronto, where she currently resides.

Beaton gained recognition in the comics scene in 2007 with her online work Hark! A Vagrant! Since then, she has become a fan favorite, garnering a significant following. Her illustrations have appeared in notable publications such as the New Yorker, Harper’s, and Marvel’s Strange Tales anthology. Beaton's first book with D+Q, Hark! A Vagrant, became a bestseller and topped several best-of-the-year lists from reputable sources like Time, E!, Amazon, and Publishers Weekly.

Kate Beaton's work is known for its light touch on historical and literary topics. Her humor is a knowing look at history through a modern perspective, challenging the idea that history is boring. In 2015, she released her first picture book, The Princess and the Pony, with Scholastic, which received starred reviews from several sources. Her second comic collection, Step Aside, Pops, was also released in the same year through Drawn and Quarterly. Beaton's unique style and perspective have earned her a place in the comics industry, and she continues to inspire and entertain readers with her work.
Hark! A Vagrant Books
# Title Year
1 Hark! A Vagrant 2011
2 Step Aside, Pops 2015
Children's Books
# Title Year
1 The Princess and the Pony 2015
2 King Baby 2016
Graphic Novels
# Title Year
1 Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands 2022
MySpace Dark Horse Presents Books (with Farel Dalrymple, with Joss Whedon, with Doug Wheatley, with Kristian Donaldson, with Jo Chen, with Mick Harrison)
# Title Year
1 MySpace Dark Horse Presents Volume 4 2009
Dinosaur Comics Books
# Title Year
1 Your Whole Family is Made Out of Meat: The Best of Dinosaur Comics, 2003-2005 A.D. 2005
2 Dinosaur Comics, fig. d: Dudes already know about chickens. 2010
3 Dinosaur Comics, fig. e: Everybody knows failure is just success rounded down. 2011
4 Feelings are boring, kissing is awesome. 2012
Kate Beaton Anthologies
# Title Year
1 MySpace Dark Horse Presents Volume 4 2009
2 Machine of Death of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die 2010
3 Strange Tales 2 2011
4 Nursery Rhyme Comics: 50 Timeless Rhymes from 50 Celebrated Cartoonists 2011
5 The Best American Comics 2016 2016
6 Thought Bubble Anthology Collection: 10 Years of Comics 2016