Kate Mascarenhas

Kate Mascarenhas is a talented writer, born in 1980, with a diverse cultural background. Her father is white Irish, and her mother is brown British, which has given her a unique perspective on the world. She has family members living in Ireland and the Republic of Seychelles, further adding to her rich cultural experiences. Mascarenhas has always been drawn to the world of literature and psychology, and her educational background reflects this. She studied English at Oxford, Applied Psychology at Derby, and completed a PhD in Literary Studies and Psychology at Worcester. Since 2017, Mascarenhas has been a chartered psychologist, which has undoubtedly influenced her writing.

Mascarenhas has an impressive resume, having worked in a variety of fields before becoming a full-time writer. She has experience as an advertising copywriter, bookbinder, and doll's house maker. These diverse experiences have given her a wealth of knowledge and skills, which she brings to her writing. Mascarenhas currently lives in the English midlands with her partner, where she continues to write and publish her work.

Mascarenhas has written three novels, including "The Psychology of Time Travel," "The Thief on the Winged Horse," and "Hokey Pokey." Her books are highly regarded for their unique storylines and compelling characters. "The Psychology of Time Travel" was published by Head of Zeus in August 2018 and has received critical acclaim. Mascarenhas' writing combines her love of literature and psychology, resulting in thought-provoking and engaging novels. Her work is a testament to her talent and dedication to the craft of writing.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Psychology of Time Travel 2018
2 The Thief on the Winged Horse 2020
3 Hokey Pokey 2023