Katy Birchall

Katy Birchall is a British author who has been making a significant impact in the literary world. She has established herself as a talented and versatile writer, having worked as a journalist for various high-ranking publications. Birchall's writing skills are not confined to journalism; she has also created her own theater production, which she managed and directed, earning awards for her efforts. This achievement has marked her out as a major upcoming talent in the industry.

Birchall has written several young adult novels, including "The It Girl" series, "The Hotel Royale" series, and "Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch." She is also the co-author of the middle grade "Lightning Girl" series and "Star Switch" with Alesha Dixon, as well as the "Find the Girl" teen series with YouTube stars Lucy and Lydia Connell. Birchall has shown her versatility by writing a non-fiction book, "How to be a Princess: Real-Life Fairy Tales for Modern Heroines." She has also contributed to the "Awesomely Austen" series, a collection of Jane Austen's novels retold for younger readers, with her retelling of "Emma."

Birchall currently resides in London with her partner, Ben, and her rescue dog, Bono. "The Secret Bridesmaid" is her debut adult fiction novel, and it will be interesting to see how she continues to develop as a writer in the future. Her work has been well-received by readers and critics alike, and she is undoubtedly an author to watch in the coming years.
The It Girl Books
# Title Year
1 The It Girl 2015
2 Team Awkward 2016
3 Don't Tell the Bridesmaid 2017
4 The It Girl in Rome 2018
Hotel Royale Books
# Title Year
1 Secrets of a Teenage Heiress 2018
2 Dramas of a Teenage Heiress 2018
Morgan Charmley Books
# Title Year
1 Teen Witch 2019
2 Spells and Secrets 2020
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Jane Austen's Emma 2019
2 The Secret Bridesmaid 2021
3 How Not To Be A Vampire Slayer 2021
4 Sex Education: The Road Trip 2021
5 The Wedding Season 2022
6 The Last Word 2023
Non-Fiction Books
# Title Year
1 How to be a Princess 2018