Khurrum Rahman

Khurrum Rahman is a Pakistani and English author who has made a name for himself in the world of fiction. Born in Pakistan, Rahman moved to England at the young age of one and grew up in west London, which has served as a source of inspiration for his writing.

Rahman has had a successful career in IT, working as a Senior IT Officer for several years. However, his true passion has always been writing, and this is evident in his Jay Qasim series. His experience of growing up as a Pakistani in England, as well as his professional background in IT, have provided him with a unique perspective that is reflected in his work.

Rahman's writing is characterized by its engaging storytelling and relatable characters. His Jay Qasim series, in particular, has been praised for its authentic portrayal of Muslim characters and its exploration of themes such as identity, community, and the challenges of modern life. Through his writing, Rahman offers a fresh and nuanced perspective on the experiences of Muslims in the West, and his work has been embraced by readers from all backgrounds.

In summary, Khurrum Rahman is a Pakistani and English author who has made a significant contribution to the world of fiction. His writing, particularly the Jay Qasim series, offers a unique perspective on the experiences of Muslims in the West and has been praised for its engaging storytelling and relatable characters. Rahman's background in IT and his experiences growing up in England have informed his work, making him a distinctive and important voice in contemporary literature.
Jay Qasim Books
# Title Year
1 Queer Hauntings 2009
2 East of Hounslow 2017
3 Homegrown Hero 2018
4 Ride or Die 2020