Kinley MacGregor

Kinley MacGregor is a renowned author who has made a significant impact in the literary world. She is known for her ability to create vivid characters and engaging stories that captivate readers. MacGregor has established herself as a link between literature, history, and the world of imagination, surprising readers with her unique characters and storytelling style.

MacGregor's writing is characterized by her use of different styles of language and her ability to bring her characters to life using only words. Some of her stories are based on her real-life experiences, while others are entirely fictional, creating a world of her own where she breathes life into her characters and gives them purpose.

In addition to writing as Kinley MacGregor, it is worth noting that this author also writes under the pseudonym Sherrilyn Kenyon. As Sherrilyn Kenyon, she has achieved great success, becoming a New York Times bestselling author and a #1 international bestselling author. This demonstrates MacGregor's versatility and talent as a writer, as she is able to excel in different genres and writing styles.

Overall, Kinley MacGregor is a highly respected and successful author, known for her captivating storytelling and her ability to create memorable characters. Her work has touched the lives of many readers, and she will no doubt continue to do so for years to come.
Sea Wolves Books
# Title Year
1 Master of Seduction 2000
2 A Pirate of Her Own 2001
Sea Wolves Series in Chronological Order
# Title Year
1 A Pirate of Her Own 2001
2 Master of Seduction 2000
MacAllister Books
# Title Year
1 Master of Desire 2001
2 Claiming the Highlander 2002
3 Born in Sin 2003
4 Taming the Scotsman 2003
Brotherhood Of The Sword Books
# Title Year
1 A Dark Champion 2004
2 Return of the Warrior 2005
3 The Warrior 2007
Lords Of Avalon Books
# Title Year
1 Sword of Darkness 2006
2 Knight of Darkness 2006
3 Darkness Within 2011
Kinley MacGregor Anthologies
# Title Year
1 Elemental: The Tsunami Relief Anthology 2006