Kira Peikoff is a renowned American author, best known for her thriller novels. Her passion for writing began at a young age, inspired by the protagonist in Ayn Rand's novel We the Living, for whom she was named. It was when she was 13 years old that she decided to become a novelist after being captivated by the storytelling in Gone with the Wind.
Peikoff pursued her academic interests in journalism at New York University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with honors. Her college years were marked by a series of reporting internships, which provided her with a wealth of experience and knowledge. She wrote about Capitol Hill for The Orange County Register in Washington, D.C., covered street crime for The Daily News, reported on technology and business for Newsday, and researched future stories for New York magazine. These experiences honed her writing skills and deepened her understanding of the world, providing valuable insights that she would later incorporate into her thriller novels.