Mary Frame is a successful Canadian author who has made a name for herself in the genre of chick-lit romance, humor, and comedy novels. Despite her busy schedule as a full-time mother and worker, Frame finds the time and energy to write her popular novels. She is an introvert, which helps her to focus on her writing and other interests, such as reading, dancing, and singing randomly to her coworkers. Frame currently resides in Reno, Nevada, with her husband, two children, and a pet dog named Stella. She values her connection with her readers and enjoys responding to their messages, even going so far as to "stalk" them while showering them with hearts, flowers, and rainbows.\n \nMary Frame is a dedicated writer who manages to balance her many responsibilities as a mother, wife, worker, and author. She is a self-proclaimed introvert and finds joy in activities such as reading, writing, dancing, and singing to her coworkers. Frame currently lives in Reno, Nevada, with her family, which includes her husband, two children, and a border collie named Stella. Frame loves hearing from her readers and is known to respond to their messages, sometimes even "stalking" them while sending hearts, flowers, and rainbows. However, she is careful to note that if this behavior does not make her readers uncomfortable, they are welcome to contact her via email.