Mary McNear

Mary McNear is an American author who is well-known for her women's fiction novels. She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, and has written the Butternut Lake series. Mary's novels are inspired by her many summers spent in a small town on a lake in the northern Midwest. She currently resides in San Francisco with her husband, two teenage children, and a high-strung small white dog named Macaroon.

McNear enjoys writing at a local doughnut shop, where she can observe the hustle and bustle of neighborhood life while sipping on Diet Pepsi. She is fascinated by relationships, overcoming hardships, personal change, love, and family, which are common themes in her work. McNear's major literary influences include romance, young adult, and non-fiction, but she draws inspiration for her settings from classic novels like "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Main Street," and "Peyton Place." Growing up in a big city has given her a unique perspective and an appreciation for the charm of small towns.

McNear is the author of the Butternut Lake series, which includes "Up at Butternut Lake," "Butternut Summer," "Moonlight on Butternut Lake," and "The Space Between Sisters." She has also written a novella, "Butternut Lake: The Night Before Christmas." Her latest novel, "The Light in Summer," was published in June 2017. McNear's books have been well-received, with "Up at Butternut Lake" and "Butternut Summer" appearing on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. "Butternut Summer" was also listed as one of the USA Today top 100 books in 2014.
Butternut Lake Books
# Title Year
1 Up at Butternut Lake 2014
2 Butternut Summer 2014
3 The Night Before Christmas 2014
4 Moonlight on Butternut Lake 2015
5 The Space Between Sisters 2016
6 The Light in Summer 2017
7 The Secrets We Carried 2018
Mary McNear Anthologies
# Title Year
1 New Voices in Fiction Sampler 2014