Patrick Logan is a renowned author, best known for his thriller and horror novels. With a number of series to his name, including Damien Drake, Chase Adams FBI Thriller, Dr. Beckett Campbell, Tommy Wilde, and Veronia Shade, Logan has made a significant impact in the literary world.
Before becoming a novelist, Logan had a career in a completely different field. He worked as a pathologist, using his Master's and PhD in the subject to cut up body parts for a living. However, after more than a decade in the profession, Logan decided it was time for a change. He found the smell of formalin associated with his work less appealing than that of Cuban cigars and chose to express his experiences and fascination with autopsies through writing instead.
Logan's career change proved to be a successful one. After just four years as a novelist, he had already published fifty bestselling novels, demonstrating his passion and talent for storytelling. His works often feature elements of his past profession, providing a unique perspective for his readers. Logan's dedication to his craft is evident in his prolific output and the intricate detail present in his stories.