Qiu Xiaolong is a Chinese author, poet, and translator, best known for his Inspector Chen series of crime thriller novels. He was born in 1953 in Shanghai, China, and is currently residing in St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife and daughter.
Xiaolong initially came to the United States with the intention of writing a book about the poet T.S. Eliot. However, due to political reasons, he was unable to return home. This turn of events led him to establish his life in the United States, where he has since become a prominent figure in English language literature. In addition to his Inspector Chen series, Xiaolong has also made significant contributions to poetry and literary criticism, showcasing his versatility as a writer.
Xiaolong's Inspector Chen series has gained considerable popularity and critical acclaim. The series includes novels such as "Death of a Red Heroine" (2000), "A Loyal Character Dancer" (2002), "When Red Is Black" (2004), "A Case of Two Cities" (2006), "Red Mandarin Dress" (2007), and "The Mao Case" (2009). His work has been translated into twenty languages and has sold over a million copies, solidifying his status as an international bestselling author.
Alongside his fiction writing, Xiaolong has also published two books of poetry translations, "Treasury of Chinese Love Poems" (2003) and "Evoking T'ang" (2007), as well as his own poetry collection, "Lines Around China" (2003). These works demonstrate his deep appreciation and understanding of poetry, as well as his linguistic skills as a translator.