Rahiem Brooks

Rahiem Jerome Brooks is a successful author, known for his mystery, thriller, and crime novels. He was born in Philadelphia and grew up in a poor neighborhood. Brooks was not much of a reader in his childhood and teen years, but an old encyclopedia gifted to him by his grandmother sparked his interest in reading and writing in his late teens. He started writing about crime before shifting to mystery thrillers in his later works.

Brooks is the author of several series, including the "Bezel Brothers," the "First 8 Chapters Only," and the "Naim Butlers" series, as well as several standalone novels. His debut thriller, "LAUGH NOW," won the 2010 African-Americans on the Move Book Club's (AAMBC) Book of the Year, and he was named AAMBC Author of the Year in 2011. He has also been nominated for several African-American Literary Awards for Mystery of the Year for "Con Test" and "Murder in Germantown."

Brooks studied TV/film at UCLA and English at Harvard University. He is a member of the Mystery Writer's of America and currently resides in Philadelphia, PA with a manx. In addition to his successful fiction works, Brooks also gives back to the writing and publishing communities through his short publishing tips and consulting services. He launched his second publishing press, Prodigy Gold Books, in 2017.

Brooks' novels often explore the themes of crime and mystery, but with his novel "A Butler Christmas," he sought to connect people by the mystery of falling in love with new friends and estranged family. He is excited to join the Prodigy Gold family and continues to be a prominent figure in the mystery and thriller genre.
The Bezel Brothers Books
# Title Year
1 Laugh Now 2010
2 Die Later 2011
3 Last Laugh 2013
Naim Butler Books
# Title Year
1 A Butler Christmas 2017
2 A Butler Summer 2018
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Con Test 2011
2 Murder in Germantown 2012
3 Prettyboy Thugs 2014
4 Mr. Confidence 2018
5 The Corona Virus Affair 2020