Ryburn Dobbs is a renowned author, known for his exceptional work in the field of forensic anthropology before turning to writing. Initially, he was a teacher of biological and forensic anthropology in several colleges in San Francisco. Dobbs' passion for anthropology led him to spend the next ten years working as a forensic anthropologist, where he gained extensive experience working on multiple murder investigations. His work in this field inspired him to write The Sebastien Grey Novels, a series of books that reflect his expertise and knowledge in forensic anthropology.
In addition to his work as a forensic anthropologist, Dobbs also worked as an investigative analyst, specializing in homicides and unsolved cases. His experience in these fields provided him with a wealth of knowledge and insights, which he has used to create compelling and realistic storylines in his novels. The first book in The Sebastien Grey Novels series, The Comfort of Distance, was released in September 2020, followed by The Boxwood Torso (The Sebastien Grey Novels Book 2) in July 2021. The third book in the series, Where the Blood is Made (The Sebastien Grey Novels Book 3), was released in Spring 2022. Dobbs' writing is highly regarded for its authenticity, depth, and intrigue, making him a popular author in the crime fiction genre.