Sarah Rose Etter

Sarah Rose Etter is a renowned author, whose work has been featured in numerous prestigious publications. Her writing has appeared in The Bennington Review, VICE, Time, The Cut, BOMB, Guernica, and many others, demonstrating the breadth of her audience and the wide appeal of her storytelling. Etter's work often explores surreal and uncanny themes, creating a unique and captivating literary experience for her readers.

Etter is the author of two published works, Tongue Party, a chapbook, and The Book of X, a novel that won the Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novel. The Shirley Jackson Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic. Winning this award is a testament to Etter's exceptional writing skills and her ability to craft compelling narratives that linger in the minds of readers. Her second novel, RIPE, is forthcoming from Scribner in July 2023, further solidifying her position as a prominent voice in contemporary literature.

Etter's talent has earned her recognition and opportunities to further hone her craft. She has been awarded residencies at the Jack Kerouac House, the Disquiet International program in Portugal, and the Gullkistan Writing Residency in Iceland. These experiences have allowed her to immerse herself in writing and develop her unique literary voice. Etter holds a BA in English from Pennsylvania State University and an MFA in fiction from Rosemont College, where she gained a solid foundation in the craft of writing. She currently resides in Los Angeles, continuing to produce thought-provoking and captivating works of fiction.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Book of X 2019
2 Ripe 2023
Sarah Rose Etter Anthologies
# Title Year
1 Peach Pit: Sixteen Stories of Unsavory Women 2023