Sebastian Fitzek is a renowned German author, known for his works in the mystery genre. He was born in Berlin in 1971 and decided to pursue a career in the media instead of becoming a jurist, despite completing law school and earning a doctorate in law. Fitzek's media career began with a traineeship at a private radio station, where he eventually became the head of entertainment and later the chief editor. He then became an independent executive consultant and format developer for various media companies in Europe. Currently, Fitzek is based in Berlin and works in the program management of a major capital radio station.
Fitzek is one of Europe's most successful authors of psychological thrillers, with over 13 million copies sold and translations in more than twenty-four languages. His books have been adapted for international cinema and theatre productions, and he was the first German author to receive the European Prize for Criminal Literature. One of his most notable works, Das Kind, was adapted into the movie The Child, and his novel Das Joshua-Profil was also made into a movie. Additionally, his book Abgeschnitten inspired the 2018 movie Cut Off, and the tv movie Amokspiel was based on a novel by the same name. Fitzek continues to live and work in Berlin with his family.