Sergey & Marina Dyachenko

Sergey Dyachenko and Marina Dyachenko are a Ukrainian husband and wife duo, known for their work in science fiction and fantasy. Originally from Kiev, the two now reside in California. Prior to becoming successful authors, Sergey worked as a psychiatrist and earned an M.S. in biology, while Marina was an actress. They write their novels in Russian, but have also published some of their books in Ukrainian.

The Dyachenkos are well-known for their unique storytelling style, which they describe as "M-realism." Although they have not explained the meaning behind the "M," their work is highly regarded in the literary world. Some of their most popular books include "The Gate-Keeper," "The Ritual," "The Cave," "Vitro Nostra," "Pandem," "Possessed," and "The Green Card." In 2001, the Dyachenkos were awarded the Russian Aelita prize for their contribution to literature, and they have received many other prestigious literary awards for their work in science fiction.

As co-authors, the Dyachenkos have written numerous novels, short fiction, plays, and scripts together. They primarily write in Russian, but several of their novels have been translated into English and published in the United States. Some of their English publications include "Vita Nostra" (2012), "The Scar" (2012), "The Burned Tower" (2012), "Age of Witches" (2014), and "Daughter from the Dark" (2020). The primary genres of their books are modern speculative fiction, fantasy, and literary tales. Their unique storytelling style and creative works have earned them a prominent place in the literary world.
Vita Nostra Books
# Title Year
1 Vita Nostra 2007
2 Assassin of Reality 2021
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Scar 1996
2 Daughter from the Dark 2006
Short Stories/Novellas
# Title Year
1 The Burned Tower 1998