Seth Hunter

Seth Hunter is a pseudonym used by the British author Paul Bryers. Hunter is best known for his "Nathan Peake" series of novels, which fall under the genre of nautical historical fiction. Bryers, who writes under the name Seth Hunter, studied economics, politics, and modern history at the University of Southampton in his younger years.

In addition to his work as a novelist, Seth Hunter, whose real identity is Paul Bryers, is also a screenwriter and film director. He is a member of several professional organizations, including The Writers Guild of Great Britain, the Director's Guild, and PEN. Bryers has written and directed many historical dramas for television, radio, and the theater, and has adapted and directed films by notable playwrights such as Arthur Miller and Michael Bulgakov.

Under the name Seth Hunter, Paul Bryers has written a number of highly acclaimed and award-winning novels for both adults and children. His most recent work, "The Time of Terror," is the first novel in a trilogy of historical naval adventures. Bryers, who writes as Seth Hunter, currently resides in London.
Nathan Peake Books
# Title Year
1 The Time of Terror 2008
2 The Tide of War 2009
3 The Price of Glory 2010
4 The Winds of Folly 2011
5 The Flag of Freedom 2013
6 The Spoils of Conquest 2013
7 Trafalgar 2021
8 The Sea of Silence 2021