Shruti Swamy

Shruti Swamy is a highly accomplished author, having won two O. Henry Awards for her outstanding work. She has had her writing published in several prestigious publications, including The Paris Review, the Kenyon Review Online, and Prairie Schooner. Swamy's talent has been recognized with numerous awards and fellowships, including the W. K. Rose Fellowship at Vassar College and residencies at the Millay Colony for the Arts, Hedgebrook, and Blue Mountain Center.

Swamy's accomplishments in the literary world are not limited to her early career. She has continued to receive recognition and accolades for her writing. In recent years, she has been named a Kundiman fiction fellow and a Steinbeck Fellow at San Jose State University. In addition, she has received a grant from the Elizabeth George Foundation. Swamy's story collection, "A House Is a Body," was published in August 2020 by Algonquin Books, and her novel "The Archer" is forthcoming. Swamy's work has been well-received and she has established herself as a significant voice in contemporary literature.
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 The Archer 2021
# Title Year
1 A House Is a Body 2020
Shruti Swamy Anthologies
# Title Year
1 The O. Henry Prize Stories 2016 2016
2 The Other Animals 2019