Sibéal Pounder

Sibéal Pounder is a highly accomplished author, known for her work in fantasy fiction. She has penned two popular series, Witch Wars and Bad Mermaids, which have captivated audiences worldwide. The Bad Mermaids series was a World Book Day 2019 title and a Sunday Times Bestseller, and it has been optioned by Sony Animation. Meanwhile, Witch Wars was shortlisted for the Sainsbury's Children's Book Award and the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize.

Pounder's writing talent has been recognized by prestigious publications, including The Guardian,, and The Financial Times, where she served as the resident philanthropy columnist for the How To Spend It section for six years. She has a strong academic background, having studied Modern History at St Andrews and Quentin Tarantino film at Yale.

Pounder's debut novel, Witch Wars, has been translated into ten languages and has gained a massive following. In addition to her successful series, she has also written Beyond Platform 13, a sequel to Eva Ibbotson’s The Secret of Platform 13. Her latest book, Tinsel, explores a new take on the Santa story and features a young girl named Blanche Claus. Pounder's work has been celebrated for its creativity, humor, and unique approach to storytelling.
Bad Mermaids Books
# Title Year
1 Bad Mermaids 2017
2 Bad Mermaids Make Waves 2017
3 On the Rocks 2018
4 On Thin Ice 2019
5 Bad Mermaids Meet the Witches 2019
6 Bad Mermaids Meet the Sushi Sisters 2020
Neon's Secret Universe Books
# Title Year
1 Neon's Secret Universe 2022
Witch Wars Books
# Title Year
1 Witch Wars 2015
2 Witch Switch 2015
3 Witch Watch 2016
4 Witch Glitch 2016
5 Witch Snitch 2017
6 Witch Tricks 2018
Standalone Novels
# Title Year
1 Beyond Platform 13 2019
2 Tinsel 2020