Steve Burrows is a renowned English-Canadian author, celebrated for his mystery novel series, the Birder Murder Mysteries. His love for birdwatching, which he has pursued on six continents, is evident in his writing. Burrows' pastime and passion for aviary life have been seamlessly integrated into his published work, showcasing his versatility as a writer.
Born in England, Burrows earned his English degree from York University. His professional background includes editing for the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Magazine and contributing as a field editor for Asian Geographic. These experiences have undoubtedly enriched his understanding of environmental issues and informed his writing. After traveling the world, Burrows has now settled in Oshawa, Ontario, with his family.
Despite the distance from his birthplace, Burrows' British roots are still visible in his writing. His keen eye for detail and talent for weaving intricate narratives have earned him a loyal following of readers. By combining his love of birdwatching with the genre of murder mysteries, Burrows has created a unique niche for himself in the literary world. His work continues to inspire and entertain, leaving readers eagerly awaiting his next release.