Thien-Kim Lam is a writer who focuses on creating stories about Vietnamese characters that challenge stereotypes and conclude with happy endings. Drawing from her own experiences, she brings authenticity and depth to her characters and their stories. In addition to her writing, Thien-Kim is also the founder of Bawdy Bookworms, a unique subscription box service that combines sexy romance novels with erotic toys. This venture speaks to her creativity and her desire to help others explore their own desires and fantasies.
Thien-Kim's personal background and passions are woven into her work and her business. She is a self-described "recovering Type-Asian," and she enjoys guzzling cà phê sữa đá, a Vietnamese iced coffee with condensed milk. These details not only add color to her character but also help to break down stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of Asian culture. Furthermore, Thien-Kim is a talented artist and baker, using these hobbies as a way to express herself and stay grounded.
Thien-Kim's work has gained recognition and praise from various media outlets, including NPR, BBC America, and NBC. Her debut romance novel, "Happy Endings," is set to be released with Avon Books in May 2021. This milestone in her writing career is a testament to her dedication and talent. Readers can connect with Thien-Kim and stay up-to-date on her latest projects through her website, where they can also join her newsletter for updates and recipes.