Thomas Charles Louis Holt, known by his pen name Tom Holt, is a renowned British author born in 1961. He is celebrated for his unique brand of fantasy and science fiction novels that incorporate humor, which he began writing while still a student at Oxford. Holt was born in London to Hazel Holt, who was also a distinguished novelist recognized for her Sheila Malory series.
Holt's educational journey began at Westminster School, followed by studies at Wadham College, Oxford, and The College of Law, London. Despite his academic trajectory, Holt's literary interests were evident from an early age. By the time he was thirteen, he had already completed his first literary work, "Poems by Holt." His inclination towards comic science fiction became more pronounced during his time at Oxford, where he penned his initial works in this genre.
In addition to writing as Tom Holt, he has also used the pseudonym KJ Parker for several of his historical novels, including a collaboration on an unauthorized biography of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Although Holt humorously claims to have studied Greek agriculture at Wadham College and spent much of his time playing billiards, his true passion led him to the law, where he qualified as a taxes and death solicitor. He currently resides in Chard, Somerset, with his spouse.
Holt's literary catalog features mythopoeic novels that either parody or explore various aspects of mythology, history, or literature, often presenting them in humorous ways. These novels, written under both his real name and the pseudonym KJ Parker, reflect his creative approach to storytelling and his ability to infuse humor into diverse subjects. Holt's distinctive style and imaginative storytelling have solidified his reputation as a respected and entertaining author in the realms of fantasy and science fiction.
J. W. Wells & Co. Books
The Portable Door
In Your Dreams
Earth, Air, Fire and Custard
You Don't Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But it Helps