Vera Dodge is a renowned author of inspirational novels, with a focus on criminal mysteries set in small-town rural America. She has contributed to several multi-author series, including the Tea Room series, Patchwork Mysteries series, and Secrets of Mary's Bookshop series. Dodge's works are known for their spiritual content, often featuring prayers, prayer groups, and discussions of faith, as well as events and themes from the Bible.
Dodge's love for history and stories set in the West has greatly influenced her writing, leading her to set her novels in small-town America. Her debut novel, "Rewriting History," was part of the Secrets of Mary's Bookshop series, which showcases her ability to weave spiritual themes into engaging and suspenseful stories. With her contributions to various series and her unique storytelling style, Dodge has established herself as a significant voice in inspirational fiction.
In summary, Vera Dodge is an accomplished author who specializes in inspirational novels with a focus on criminal mysteries in small-town America. Her works often incorporate spiritual content and themes, reflecting her passion for history and the West. Through her contributions to multi-author series and her distinctive storytelling, Dodge has made a name for herself in the world of inspirational fiction.
Secrets Of Mary's Bookshop Books (with Susan Page Davis, with Cara C. Putman, with Jo Ann Brown)