Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was a prominent American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist, born in New York in 1819. He is often referred to as the father of free verse and made a significant impact on the writing world by publishing hundreds of poems during his lifetime. Whitman's most celebrated free verse, Leaves of Grass, was first published in 1855, and he continued to improve it until his death in 1892.

Whitman was part of the transition between Transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works. His poetry is among the most influential in the American canon, and he is known for his humanistic celebration of humanity. In addition to publishing his poetry, Whitman worked as a journalist, teacher, government clerk, and volunteer nurse during the American Civil War. He also produced a temperance novel, Franklin Evans, early in his career.

Whitman wrote his masterpiece, Leaves of Grass, in 1855, pioneering free verse poetry in a humanistic celebration of humanity. Emerson, whom Whitman revered, said of Leaves of Grass that it held "incomparable things incomparably said." During the Civil War, Whitman worked as an army nurse, later writing Drum Taps (1865) and Memoranda During the War (1867). His health compromised by the experience, he was given work at the Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. After a stroke in 1873, which left him partially paralyzed, Whitman lived his next 20 years with his brother, writing mainly prose, such as Democratic Vistas (1870). Leaves of Grass was published in nine editions, with Whitman elaborating on it in each successive edition. In 1881, the book had the compliment of being banned by the commonwealth of Massachusetts on charges of immorality. Whitman was at most a Deist who scorned religion.

Whitman was born on Long Island and worked as a journalist, teacher, government clerk, and volunteer nurse. He suffered a stroke in 1873 and spent the last twenty years of his life in Camden, New Jersey, where he continued to write poetry. The seventh edition of Leaves of Grass was published in 1881 to generally favorable reviews, but the book was soon banned in Boston on the grounds that it was obscene literature. Whitman died two months later on the evening of March 26, 1892, and was buried four days afterward at Harleigh Cemetery in Camden.
Walt Whitman Works
# Title Year
1 Franklin Evans, or The Inebriate: A Tale of the Times 1842
2 Life and Adventures of Jack Engle 1852
3 Leaves of Grass 1855
4 Song of Myself 1856
5 Manly Health and Training with Off-Hand Hints Towards Their Conditions 1858
6 Oh Captain! My Captain! 1865
7 Drum Taps 1865
8 When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer 1865
9 Democratic Vistas: The Original Edition in Facsimile 1871
10 Democratic Vistas and Other Papers 1871
11 Civil War Poetry and Prose 1872
12 Specimen Days 1882
13 November Boughs 1888
14 An American Primer: With Facsimiles of the Original Manuscript 1904
15 The Gathering of the Forces 1920
16 Rivulets of Prose 1928
17 I Hear America Singing 1966
18 Lafayette in Brooklyn 1973
19 The Sleepers; A Poem 1973
20 Pictures: An Unpublished Poem Of Walt Whitman 1977
21 The half-breed, and other stories 1978
22 Memoranda during the War 1988
23 I Sing The Body Electric 1995
24 Collect 2004
25 The Mystic Poets 2004
26 Shooting Niagara: And After? 2015
27 Beat! Beat! Drums! 2015
28 Song of the Broad-Axe 2015
29 Chants Democratic 2015
30 To a Pupil 2015
31 Boston Town 2015
32 The Poetry of the Future 2018
33 Somewhere Waiting: Song of Myself 2018
34 President Lincoln's Funeral Hymn 2018
35 Live Oak, with Moss 2019
36 Brooklyn 2019
37 The World Below the Brine 2021
# Title Year
1 Selected Letters of Walt Whitman 1855
2 Leaves of Grass and Other Writings 1855
3 Guide to Manly Health and Training 1858
4 The Wound Dresser: A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington during the War of the Rebellion 1975
5 New York dissected: A sheaf of recently discovered newspaper articles by the author of Leaves of grass 1976
6 Walt Whitman's Diary in Canada - With Extracts from Other of His Diaries and Literary Note-Books 1977
7 City of Orgies and Other Poems 1980
8 Selected Poems 1855-1892 1980
9 Poetry and Prose 1982
10 Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts: Volume I: Family Notes and Autobiography, Brooklyn and New York 1984
11 Voyages: Poems by Walt Whitman 1988
12 Wrenching Times: Poems from Drum-Taps 1991
13 Whitman: Poems 1994
14 Memories of President Lincoln 1996
15 The Walt Whitman Reader 2000
16 Earth, My Likeness: Nature Poetry of Walt Whitman 2005
17 Masculine Beauty of Walt Whitman's Poetry Of Same-Sex Affection 2014
18 Whitman's Dogs: Leaves of Grass and Other Poems 2016
19 Every Hour, Every Atom of Walt Whitman's Early Notebooks and Fragments 2020
20 "The Million Dead, Too, Summ'd Up": Walt Whitman's Civil War Writings 2021
Walt Whitman Anthologies
# Title Year
1 The Children's Hour: Leaders and Heroes 1954
2 Prose and Poetry of the American West 1991
3 Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology 1993
4 Earth-Shattering Poems 1998
5 Writing New York 1998
6 A Life in Medicine: A Literary Anthology 2002
7 The Little Big Book of California 2005
8 Writers: Their Lives and Works 2018